
Essence Fruity

I was waiting impatiently for this limited edition to hit stores and here it is! I went to get some of the Fruity goodies yesterday and only came home with 4 things: nail polish and eyeshadow sorbet and 2 more things I got as a gift for Cheryl so I won't reveal what it is as she might see it ;)

First thing I chose was the nail polish: a really pretty coraly colour with purple glitter. It looks just like strawberry cocktail! =) Yummy! Pictured are 2 coats with top coat. I really like it, application was flawless and easy, the brush is good too. I really wanted the green one but there weren't any left =( 

Thought the 'don't drink it' sign was supercute! ;)
The other thing I picked up is the eyeshadow sorbet and I've chosen the mint green one. It has a nice sheen to it which is visible in the pics. I tried it on yesterday and sadly it creases like crazy =( Oh well I will figure something out, this color is very cute! 

What do you think about my choices? Have you gotten anything from this collection? =)

* Photo template courtesy of PuglyPixel.com

4 komentarze :

  1. Przepiękny cień tak samo jak lakier, jeszcze nie posiadam nic z tej kolekcji, ale planuję zdobyć lakiery ; D

  2. That nail polish looks amazing! So excited! ♥ xx

  3. Jane, jak zdobędziesz zielony to zamieść foty =)

  4. niczym truskawkowy koktajl! :)


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