
Haul: NYX, Essence, Catrice

I've done some shopping during the Holiday season and just now have time to share some of the things I got recently.

First store I visited after Christmas was newly opened NYX salon in Blue City in Warsaw. I got some of the products I wanted to try:
- blush in Taupe (for contouring)
- mega shine lip gloss in Perfect and Beige
- sheer gloss in Barely There (got it for free at check out - cool!)
- jumbo eye pencil in Black Bean and Yogurt. 

I did use the Yogurt one already and love it, I'm sure I'm gonna get more colors, those pencils are amazing.

Essence Multi Action mascara was my favorite until I discovered Maybelline's One By One which is my current fave! Anyway I decided to get a waterproof version of Multi Action to use on my lower lashes. I use regular Multi Action (pink one) now and it smudges lightly throughout the day so I'm gonna give this a try! 

I also went to Natura drugstore yesterday to find the Essence Peel Off Base Coat which should be perfect for glitter polishes - as everyone knows it's a pain to remove glitter polish so this should make it so much easier! Can't wait to try it. Also picked up 2 cuticle removers. 

The last thing I got are 2 eyeshadows by Catrice - Pure Chrome. The one I really liked was sold out (sadly) but I decided to get those 2 instead and they look great, I can't wait to wear them! =)

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